Main ivents

Explore main events of the History of Kazzakhstan before 1991

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Main events

Formation of Kazakh Khanate


Kazakh state, on the territory of modern Kazakhstan, formed in the process of disintegration of the Golden Horde in 1465 and the Uzbek Khanate in 1468. Education played a key role in the formation of Kazakh statehood, leaders and strengthening of society. It contributed to the development of wisdom, problem-solving skills and the ability to lead the people through change.

Acceptance of Russian citizenship by Abulkhair Khan.


By the beginning of the XVIII century, the Khanate had split into separate zhuzes. The clans of the Senior and Middle zhuzes were subordinate to the descendants of the sons of Zhanibek Khan, and the clans of the Younger zhuzes belonged to the descendants of the younger branch of the Zhanibek Khan dynasty. In 1726 Khan Abulkhair on behalf of the elders of the Younger zhuz applied to the Tsarist government with a request for submission. On October 10 (21), 1731, due to the weakening of the Kazakh Khanate during the grueling war with the Dzungars, Abulkhair and most of the elders of the Younger Juz swore allegiance to the Russian Empire, thus initiating the accession of Kazakhstan to Russia.

Creation of the party of "Alash".


It was formed from a group of ethnic Kazakh members of the Kadet Party, which was formed during the events of 1905. At the First All-Kirghiz Congress, held in Orenburg from July 21 to 28, 1917, the organizational formation of this party took place. At the Second All-Kazakh Congress in December 1917, the Alash Republic was proclaimed and a provisional People's Council was formed, which was given the name "Alash-Orda".

Great Patriotic War


The war of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics against Nazi Germany and its European allies who attacked it. It was the largest and bloodiest armed conflict in world history, ending with the victory of the Red Army and the unconditional surrender of the German armed forces. Official publications report that more than 600,000 Kazakhs died on the fronts of the Second World War.

Launch of the first man into space


On the ship "Vostok" on April 12, 1961, the USSR pilot-cosmonaut Major of the Air Force Yuri Gagarin made the world's first manned flight into outer space. The spacecraft was launched from the Soviet Baikonur Cosmodrome at 9:7 a.m. Moscow time. The spacecraft made one revolution around the Earth and landed at 10:53 a.m. near the village of Smelovka in the Saratov region. The duration of the flight was 106 minutes. The spacecraft also became the world's first controlled spacecraft to make a flight into space.

December events


December events in Alma-Ata, also known as Zheltoksan - speeches of Kazakh youth, which took place on December 17-18, 1986 in Alma-Ata, the then capital of the Kazakh SSR, and took the form of mass protests and popular uprisings against (decisions of) the then communist authorities. The December events in Kazakhstan became one of the first mass rallies against the dictate of the center in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, later similar events took place in other national republics of the Soviet Union.

Creation of the environmental movement "Nevada-Semipalatinsk" headed by O. Suleimenov.


an anti-nuclear movement organized by the public figure of the Kazakh SSR Olzhas Suleimenov on February 28, 1989. A few days before the actual organization of the movement, radioactive gases leaked at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. Olzhas Suleimenov, considered the spiritual founder of the national-patriotic movement in Kazakhstan, was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR at the time.

Closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.


The last explosion at the test site was carried out on October 19, 1989. One of Nursultan Nazarbayev's first decisions while still as the head of the Union Republic was the closure of the Semipalatinsk test site, and then the complete abandonment of the world's 4th arsenal of nuclear weapons - on August 29, 1991, the Semipalatinsk test site was closed by the government of the Kazakh SSR.